Through the methods listed in this article, you will be able to manage the amount of SPAM email your TierraNet-hosted mailbox receives. If you haven't already, check out this article before modifying your email filters for more information:
What are Spam Filters?
Spam Signature Detection
Using the Spam Signature Detection function will let our servers know exactly how to react to incoming messages. Depending on the setting you use, you may find that all incoming messages will be affected and can sometimes result in our servers blocking some important messages you may want to receive.
Off (Not Recommended): This will turn off our filtering system completely, meaning that the filtering system will not scan any of the emails, allowing ALL incoming emails to land in your Inbox.
Low: This option will offer some protection from SPAM, meaning that most of your inbound emails will go to your Inbox with some marked as "SPAM" in the Subject line.
Mid (Recommended): This setting is set by default and will use all of the filtering features, meaning it will mark some suspected emails as "SPAM" in the Subject line, send some to your Junk folder, and occasionally BLOCK some emails from landing in your Mailbox altogether.
Extreme (Not Recommended): This is the most aggressive option we have from our filtering system which might mark some legitimate emails as SPAM or could entirely block important emails from being received.
Additional Settings
You have three additional settings you can use under this section of the filter system:
- Add "SPAM: to the subject line and deliver normally: This option is as described, the filtering system will add the word "SPAM" in all caps right before the subject line if the filtering system thinks the email might contain SPAM.
- Automatically filter out the email without notification: This will send automatically send all emails the system suspects as SPAM to the junk folder.
- Use "Confirminator": We don't really recommend this option since it is a little odd and was mostly used prior to our modern filtering systems. This option will have the SENDER confirm that they want to send the email to you. This option was mostly to avoid BOT-sent emails.
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