In case you are unable to access your WordPress administration, the easiest and most recommended method of recovering your WordPress password is from the login screen using the 'Lost your password?' link. We realize though that sometimes one is not receiving password recovery emails from WordPress. For those occasions, you can update the password via phpMyAdmin. (Be advised that editing incorrect portions of your database(s) can render an entire website inoperable.)
Proceed carefully when following this process:
1. Sign into your online account and click the hosting tab at the top of the page.
2. Click the "Edit" button next to "Database Admin."
3. Locate the database for your WordPress site. The username and password can be confirmed here.
With the database credentials, click "Open phpMyAdmin" and sign in.
4. Once signed in, click on your database found on the left hand column.
5. Click on the "wp_user" table.
6. Click the "Edit" button next to the desired user.
7. Update the password, ensuring the MD5 is selected in the Function field.
8. Click the "Go" button to save the changes. You should now be able to return to the WordPress administration login and sign in.
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