Google and Yahoo are taking steps towards making it safe and secure when using email. By focusing on email validation, they are helping prevent unwanted spam and potential bad actors from reaching their customers’ inboxes. By adding a DMARC record to your domain, ISPs identify you as a sender that is serious about following established email standards and shows you care to reduce your spam liability. Sending from a domain that has DMARC in place has the additional benefit of improving inbox placement.
To add a DMARC record to your domains DNS management page follow the steps below:
Log into your account and hover your mouse over the DNS icon at the top right of your page and select DNS Home from the drop-down.
You will be redirected to the Manage DNS page where you can scroll to the bottom to select the domain to manage, and click Go.
You'll be redirected to your domain's DNS page, showing you all the current DNS your domain has. To add a new DNS record, use the drop-down menu at the bottom of your page that says Add Records For yourdomain.example: and select TXT.
Proceed to fill in the blanks with the information below:
Host: _dmarc
Text: v=DMARC1; p=none
Once you've confirmed your information is correct, click Add. Note that once that update has been made, there is a propagation period that can take anywhere from 24-48 hours. The record should finish propagating within that window of time.
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