You may be wanting to transfer your domain out to another registrar, but you're having issues turning the registrar lock OFF because the button is greyed out. In most cases, the registrar lock is greyed out whenever there is a hold on a domain. A hold can be placed on a domain for one or a few of the following reasons:
1. The domain or account's contact information was recently updated triggering ICANN's 60-Day Hold.
2. A 60-day hold is also placed on newly registered domains. Same as the previous hold, ICANN transfer policies do not allow newly registered domains to transfer out.
3. Recently renewed domains can also have a hold placed on a domain. Unlike the past 2 points, this hold is not placed on a domain due to ICANN policies but is placed automatically by our system to help prevent fraud or domain hijacking.
These holds are placed to protect valuable domains, and our customers in case there are suspected fraudulent actions occurring within an account. If you would like further support or believe the hold was placed by mistake, please Contact Customer Support.
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